Active Families

Active Families
Active families is a programme that supports families to become more active. Sarah, our Active Families Co-ordinator has been supporting adults, children or the whole family to re-engage or start physical activity following. We have supported over 270 families in Herefordshire since October 2021 and have helped families to feel happier, more confident and motivated to be active.
We work through schools to ensure we can support those families who need it the most. Our experienced coordinator will work 1:1 with a small number of families to support them to be more active with their children, which may be at home or in the community. As well as the 1:1 support, we will offer other families a stepping stone in to activity though signposting, guidance and group support.
Thanks to Herefordshire Council (Public Health and UKSPF funding) we are able to continue delivering the Active Families programme to schools free of charge, until August 2026.
We are able to work with a limited number of target schools. If your school would be interested in finding out more, please get in touch with us.
We forget how to play with all this technology, we are really enjoying being active- it’s great fun! Playing hopscotch is a family favourite and the children play outside now! Active Families has helped me with ideas of how to be active with my family. We make up our own games now.
To find out more about the impact of Active Families, including stories from families, please take a look at our most recent report which you can access here. Previous reports are also listed below.