Wellbeing Programmes
Wellbeing Programmes

Climbing for Confidence
There is emerging evidence of the positive effect climbing can have on mental health. Mindfulness, resilience and physical activation are all present in the sport. Climbing forces you to think about the present moment as opposed to reflecting on feelings from the day or stressful thoughts. In addition, it offers social connectivity and opportunities to gain an immediate sense of accomplishment.
Working in partnership with Green Spider Climbing Centre ‘Climbing for Confidence’ is a climbing programme for years 4 and 5, aimed at children that lack confidence, struggle with relationships / trust and are facing challenges in their life.
The aim is to give children a chance to try a new activity in a different environment, providing a new challenge.
Read more about the impact of the Climbing for Confidence sessions:
Climbing for Confidence 2024 Impact report
Please contact Emma for more information about dates for the next climbing for confidence sessions

Roller(skate) for Resilience
Following the success of the Climbing for Confidence sessions, we want to see whether there were other sports and activities that could also be used to improve confidence and resilience.
With support from Public Health Herefordshire, we piloted ‘Roller for Resilience’. The sessions were aimed at young people in years 5, 6 and 7, and we asked schools to identify the children that they felt would most benefit from the sessions: those that lack resilience, struggle with challenge, lack confidence and may be struggling with transition.
There were some fantastic outcomes and stories – you can read more here:
Roller for Resilience 2024 Impact Report
For more information about this programme or to find out the next dates, please contact Emma.
One young man has low self-esteem especially in regard to his appearance and ability to do things. When we initially discussed going, he was unsure and following the short intro he was sure he would not be able to do it. This small group session with caring and compassionate instructors meant he was encouraged to keep trying and ways around barriers were found in order to ensure he could have a go! He would have not normally accessed this type of activity and if he had would have given up straight away. The support to develop his skill set and resilience was fantastic. The children were much more confident on the return to school, telling their friends about their adventure and reliving the bruises for days!
Roller for Resilience - Withington Primary School