Our Impact
As we grow, so does our impact.
Take a look at our latest impact report to find out how we’re making a difference to young people, schools, teachers and families throughout Herefordshire. This year we have taken a different approach and selected our most impactful highlights to share with you.
To find out more about our history of developing impact, take a look at our previous reports using the links:
Impact report 2022-23
Impact report 2021-22
Impact report 2020-21
Impact report 2019-20
School Games Impact Award!
As part of our county School Games programme, we delivered a Climbing for Confidence event in partnerships with Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire and Green Spider Climbing in Hereford.
The event was specifically aimed at young people that were lacking in confidence and struggled with their communication and teamwork skills. They may also have become disengaged with PE and physical activity.
Young people reported improvements in confidence, team working skills and communication:
“This young person was brought as they often demonstrate a potential in certain activities and sports, yet have no confidence and lack the social skills to be able to engage with others or to get involved. They often spend breaks and lunches alone or with one or two individuals in the student support room.
For this person, it was massive. The first activity we took part in was the challenges, one of which being the speed climb, and this person didn’t want to do it, he then eventually did, and must’ve only gone, 50cm off the ground and burst in to tears, saying they couldn’t do it and didn’t want to do it in front of the others. As the day went on, you could see him becoming more engaged with the group and through the support of the group, cheering him on and making him feel a member of the team, he overcame those fears. After the break he climbed higher in the climbing session and then to cap it all off, in the bouldering session, reached the top of the final climb, to be greeted with hugs, fist pumps and high fives, once he touched back down. He was grinning ear to ear, that was the icing on the cake, you could see how much it meant to him!”
Climbing For Confidence Impact Award

Impact across our programmes
Measuring the impact that our programmes are having on children and young people is really important to us. Each project we deliver has it’s own dedicated page with further information. If you’d like to take a look at the impact for a specific programme, please use the links below.
School Games County Events 2022-23 (in partnership with Active Herefordshire & Worcestershire): Impact Report
Climbing for Confidence 2021-22: Impact Report
Roller(skate) for Resilience 2023: Impact Report
Navigate with Physical Activity 2021: Impact Report
Active Families: Impact Report
Here Girls Can (in partnership with Active Herefordshire & Worcestershire): Impact Report
FA Girls Football Partnerships: Impact Report
Walk to School 2021-22: Impact Report
Walk to School 2023-24: Impact Report