Wellbeing Resources
We have always known that being physically active is good for our mental wellbeing, but during Covid-19 lockdowns, this has become increasingly so. This set of resources was initially collated to support families and schools during lockdowns, however we hope it will continue to be a useful resource to provide support, guidance and activities to improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
5 Ways to Wellbeing Resource for schools and families. We have outlined the 5 ways and given some specific examples of activities that families and young people can do to improve their wellbeing whilst at home.

Blue boxes show links to sources of advice and guidance and resources for schools

Green boxes show links to practical activities that children and young people can access to support and improve their mental health and wellbeing

Dark blue boxes show links to sources of advice and guidance for both children and young people, and their families.
Mentally Healthy Schools
Resources to help primary schools promote children’s mental health and wellbeing
Mentally Healthy Schools Toolkit
Their second coronavirus toolkit and includes resources for staff wellbeing, carers and headteachers, resources to support vulnerable children and children with SEND and some further resources to manage anxiety and improve wellbeing.
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Wellbeing advice for all those supporting children and young people
Young Minds
Tips, advice and guidance for children and young people on where they can get support for their mental health during the coronavirus pandemic
Talk Community Herefordshire
A range of creative, informative and active ideas to keep you entertained during the current lockdown
Every Mind Matters
Expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Healthy Minds
Support for those experiencing emotional distress and anxiety in Herefordshire
5 Ways to Wellbeing
There are some simple things that we can do to improve our wellbeing. Stride Active have pulled together some activities and ideas that children and young people can do at home with their family.
Herefordshire Walks and Cycling Maps
Herefordshire Council have produced a wide range of maps showing walking and cycling routes across the county.
Something Positive
A website that will show you some of the good news that is happening across the world
Yoga with Adrienne
Yoga sessions for teenagers
The Book Trust
Free online books, videos, games, quizzes and learn how to draw some of your favourite characters
The Wildlife Trust
Free YouTube videos every Wednesday at 10am, covering identifying bird song, wildlife gardening, fun crafts and much more
This Girl Can
A series of videos of mums and kids get moving to the songs they love
Make a coronavirus time capsule
Create some family history with this Coronavirus Time Capsule Resource Pack
The links above are provided for information only. Stride Active are not responsible for the content of any external links.