School Support

School Support - Stride Active Membership
We have changed the name of our support this year to a ‘membership’. We want to recognise schools that support Stride Active through investing in us, buying our services and accessing our events/opportunities and create a community of schools that are committed to physical activity.
Similar to last year, there are 4 levels of membership ranging from basic services such as PE premium support and School Games, all the way up to 1:1 support and bespoke training and development. Support can be tailored to the needs of your school and we will work with you to support the development and quality of PE, school sport and physical activity in your school.
Stride Active Membership 2021-22 Overview
Features could include one-to-one support and development time, individual / group CPD and access to a range of programmes and interventions that will meet the needs of specific pupil groups. We also deliver a range of additional bolt-ons to make it unique to your school. To find out more about our support packages, please email Emma – Education & Health Manager. To sign up for Stride Active Membership please click here.

PE specialist support
We are pleased to reinstate our PE Specialist support for schools. If you would like to access our specialist to team teach / support expertise within your school, please use the link below for more information / request for support.