
We believe that all children should be physically active and achieve Chief Medical Officer (CMO) guidelines of 60 active minutes every day. Through our work, we seek to address a number of health issues through the promotion of high-quality PE, physical activity and sport.
The number of children classified as obese or overweight in Herefordshire is increasing annually. According to National Child Measurement Programme data, 35% of year 6 children in the county are overweight or obese. Data from the national Sport England Active Lives survey for children reveals that only 1 in 5 children across the county are meeting CMO guidelines. Furthermore, mental health has been identified as number one priority in the Herefordshire Health & Wellbeing Strategy. We therefore have a significant role to play in addressing this alongside schools and key partner organisations.

Our recent consultation with schools and partners has strongly indicated the increasing priority schools are placing on the health and wellbeing of their pupils. The need for Stride Active to support this was overwhelmingly evident.
We know that physical activity can help develop the whole child – physically, socially and mentally. It can play a significant role in developing a young person’s confidence levels, reducing their risks of becoming obese and provides a platform to engage and interact with others.