Multi-Skills Festival
Date: 21st June 2021
Time: 10:00
Venue: Hereford Leisure Centre
This festival for years 5 & 6 is an opportunity for those that may not have had a chance to take part in school games events previously.
The festival is aimed at those children that are less active, have a lower sporting ability or have low self-esteem.
We are inviting mixed groups with a maximum of 10 per team. Due to restrictions on numbers this year, we will only be able to allow one team per school.
The event will be run by our apprentices.
10am-12pm at the Hereford Leisure Centre
We will follow up to date Government guidance with regards to covid-19 and will email out a risk assessment and school guidance prior to the event.
There are limited number of places so please book your place early.
Out of stock