School Games Mark

School Games Mark
The School Games Mark is an award scheme to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active. It aims to help schools to effectively reflect on their engagement in the School Games and to also reflect on the difference that they are making for those young people that need to be physically active the most.
Schools are able to apply for bronze, silver and gold awards against a nationally recognised set of criteria. Platinum is also applicable for those schools that have previously held the award or have achieved gold for 4 consecutive years.
Schools will be able to apply for School Games Mark via their log in on the School Games Dashboard from the Wednesday 30th April 2025 and the deadline for completion is Wednesday 30th July 2025

Schools will need to demonstrate how they are/have:
- Maintaining and growing their school’s engagement in the School Games and their delivery of 60 active minutes for every child or 20 minutes for SEND young people
- Creating positive experiences to ensure physical activity and competition provision is designed to reflect the motivation, competence and confidence of their young people and has a clear intent
- A clear focus on particular transition points (Yr.3 and Yr.7/8 as well as those in 3 tier systems) and how secondary schools are engaging in the School Games
- Supporting the personal development of targeted young people through youth engagement and leadership
- Advocating and engaging key stakeholders on the value of the School Games to support local provision and improve experiences for young people and their families

Useful Documents
School Sports Organising Crews
School Games have produced guidance for schools that want to set up a School Sports Organising Crew. This a great way to develop the skills of young people and support the school games work that you are doing.
About School Sports Organising Crews
Guidance for Teachers on setting up your Sports Organising Crew
Kieram has also recorded a short video about Sports Organising Crews. Please get in touch if you would like any support with your Sports Organising Crew.
Developing your School Sports Organising Crew
A brief overview of what School Sports Organising Crews are, what they can do and how to set one up